Manhattan is the New Black

Just like your favorite fall accessory, Manhattan Black not only makes you feel good, but it also helps you look great! In addition to its high caffeine content that’ll perk you up in a pinch, there are many visible benefits of enjoying a daily cup of this classic brew.

Here are some of our favorites:


  1. Say “TEAS”!: In a number of studies, black tea has been found to reduce plaque formation and prevent cavities and tooth decay caused by bacteria. This is because black tea is full of polyphenols that attack the bacteria and leave your teeth sparkling.

face scrub 

  1. A sparkly smile shines brighter when it’s surrounded by a fresh face, too! This black tea and honey scrub is great for clearing up skin and making you look younger. With as few as four ingredients and five minutes, this awesome mask will rejuvenate your face.

 tan spray

3. Give the rest of your body some lovin’ with this all-natural Black Tea Tan Spray. Simply boil some water and let your Manhattan Black leaves steep for 30 minutes. Once cool, spray onto your skin for a healthy glow that leaves your skin feeling fresh and looking fab!


  1. Don’t forget the hair! Black tea hair rinses are popular with brunettes and anyone looking to darken their 'do as the antioxidant + caffeine combo adds color and shine while reducing shedding and strengthening your luscious locks.
What are your favorite uses for Manhattan Black (besides drinking it, of course)? Try one of the concoctions above and let us know how you like it!

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