The Secret to the Moka Pot


Moka Pots are the best way to brew our tea just like we do in store. At first they can seem a little confusing but we promise they are not! Follow these steps and soon you will be a moka pot pro with a yummy tea in your hand. We use a 3 cup moka pot, make adjustments if you're using a different size! 

First, take it all apart

The top screws off and the filter pops out

Pour 6oz of water in the bottom compartment 

 Place the filter back on

Put 1tbsp (for bolder flavor add more tea) of your favorite TEASPRESSA tea in the filter compartment and screw the top back on

Place moka pot onto stovetop, teaspresso will start to bubble out of the top. Remove from heat, lift top to ensure teaspresso shot has risen to the top. 

 Pour it out and make it up however you like! 

Add milk and sugar for a tea latte or a flavoring to make it interesting

Fall has arrived in Arizona so now is the perfect time to purchase a moka pot from our store and make your own cup of hot tea. Try it out and let us know how it went in the comments below. Happy Brewing! 



  • Savannah Larsen

    I’m so excited! I can make my Teaspressa at home now! Thank you! Xoxo

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